Under my roof - SOLD OUT
Drawing and bookbinding workshop
Using an inspiring house as a starting point, participants will become novelists, poets, authors of a piece of art work for the duration of the workshop. Participants will then see how to build their personal book, how to give it shape through layout, typography, illustration and binding.
I like to imagine homes as big books. Each room is a page that is written. Each piece of furniture is the witness of a beautiful story. Stories of unsolvable investigations come to mind. The image of wonderful creatures lurking in the closets. You have to be careful, houses fold and unfold into nooks and crannies.
Animators: Cheyenne and Cherokee.
Cheyenne is an illustration student who has always been fascinated by the ninth art. In her graphic work, architecture and landscape in general have a primary place. Having trained as an animator, she particularly enjoys communicating her passion to the youngest.