
T. + 32 2 642 24 64





Tuesday - Friday, from 09:30 to 17:00

Rue de l'Ermitage 55, 1050 Brussels

The CIVA library has a large collection of nearly 50.000 old and recent books, hundreds of magazine titles and documentation files dedicated to architecture, urban planning, city history, landscape architecture, gardens and urban ecosystems.

Since 2016, the library has brought together the collections of 4 libraries: Archives d'Architecture Moderne, Architecture Archives - Sint-Lukasarchief, the René Pechère librery and the Centre Paul Duvigneaud. The integration of these different collections has also made it possible to bring together the libraries of a number of key figures in the history of Belgian architecture including Jean Dethier, Jacques Dolphyn, Alfons Hoppenbrouwers and Philippe Samyn. In the last two years, the libraries of Gustave Abeels and Sophie Coekelberghs have also been added. The library pursues an active acquisitions policy to enrich and update its collections. 
Our team is at your disposal to help you get the most out of your research.
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