The Massart Garden

An experimental garden on the city’s outskirts

 © Florence Didion
© Florence Didion

This year, Garden Tales is presenting a guided tour on the theme of plants in the lives of men and women, past and present. Founded by Jean Massart in 1922, this botanical garden boasts a rich collection of medicinal and edible plants.

A pioneer in the protection of biodiversity in Belgium, the renowned botanist equipped our capital with an experimental garden intended for teaching and research. A century later, it still fulfils the same functions and welcomes visitors to different landscapes: a wetland, an arboretum, a garden of cultivated plants and an evolving garden, landscapes which all bear witness to the diversity of the living world.

Sunday, June 30, 2024
Type of visit
Guided visit
13:00 > 14:30
Chaussée de Wavre 1850
1160 Brussels