As you walk through the Floréal garden city, you will experience the uneven natural topography, which obviously has had an impact on the design of the gardens! Here, the layout alternates between landings and flights of steps. This has created different areas in this garden that is cherished and cared for daily. From the flower beds to the terraces, via the two ponds and the deckchairs, this place exudes the joy of coming together.
This year, you can take advantage of your visit to attend a concert organized by the group of residents ‘Les Compagnons du Quartier Floréal’ at the Garden Cities Visitor Centre, just a few minutes’ walk from the garden (4, Place Joseph Wauters) from 14:30 to 15:30. On the programme: music from the East (voice, guitar, accordion). Admission is free but booking is essential (e-mail: lescompagnonsdefloreal@hotmail.com).