Book launch : La ville en communs

A resource, a community and rules of governance established to manage the resource equitably: the combination of these three elements constitutes what is known today as "the commons". This concept has become a central reference for political, social, economic and urban debate and action. However, little research has been done on the role of the commons in a city and how they contribute to the transformation of its physical forms. This book examines the ways in which these common spaces are appropriated by those who use them in an attempt to answer the question: in what way and under what conditions do the commons contribute to a harmonious relationship between city and the town, between material forms and ways of living.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Rue de l’Ermitage 55
1050 Bruxelles

Authors : Chloé Salembier, Aniss M. Mezoued, Marine Declève, Vincent Kaufmann, Bernard Declève. Avec la collaboration de Mathieu Berger, Valentin Bourdon, Bénédicte Grosjean, Christian Laval, Roselyne de Lestrange, Claire Simonneau et Issa Sory

Presentation and discussion with Chloé Salembier, Marine Declève, Vincent Kaufmann, Bernard Declève

Booking is mandatory (click here)