TALKS: Sick Architecture

An Fonteyne, Ivan Lopez Munera, Philippe Rahm, Laurent de Sutter, Meredith TenHoor, Marie Tesson and Eric de Thoisy, Bart Marius and Arnout De Cleene are amongst the speakers at the second edition of the Sick Architecture Talks, a series of lectures and debates in the context of the eponymous exhibition.
Moderated by Beatriz Colomina (guest curator Sick Architecture), Nikolaus Hirsch (artistic director CIVA), Nick Axel (e-flux Architecture deputy editor), the presentations will focus on particular cases that illustrate the tight relation between architecture and disease.
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Sick Architecture Talks II is a conference program accompanying Sick Architecture, an exhibition curated by Beatriz Colomina, Silvia Franceschini, and Nikolaus Hirsch at CIVA. Moderated by e-flux Architecture Deputy Editor Nick Axel, the second edition of Sick Architecture Talks continues on the program that accompanied the opening of the exhibition, featuring presentations by seven architects, artists, writers, and scientists.
The first edition, that took place early May on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, featured presentations by more than twenty architects, artists, writers and scientists. The talks question a history that constructs the architect as a kind of doctor and the client as patient. Architecture has been portrayed as both a form of prevention and cure for thousands of years. Health is supposed to be the main goal of the architect, as Vitruvius already insisted in the first century BC. Yet architecture is also often the cause of illness, from toxic building materials to sick building syndrome and the institutional architecture per se. Meanwhile, pandemics have returned. COVID-19 is completely reshaping architecture and urbanism. The virus has exposed the structural inequities of race, class, and gender, provoking a call for social transformation and perhaps an architectural revolution.
Click here to watch the first edition of the Sick Architecture Talks