Tim Onderbeke — Labyrinth

« What is the identity of a building? What is the meaning of the symbiosis between the functionality and the aesthetics conveyed by an era, and what is its influence on the landscape as we know it today? One building can carry more anarchy in itself than another. » — Tim Onderbeke
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Labyrinth (MER editions) by photographer Tim Onderbeke gathers works by Alfons Hoppenbrouwers, Juliaan Lampens, Paul Felix, Paul Meekels, Jul De Roover, Jan Tanghe, Lode Wouters, René Stapels, Victor Bourgeois as well as diverse items and sculptures by Roger Bonduel. Through these bold compositions, the book can be read as a « line poem », then resonating with Le poème de l’angle droit by Le Corbusier, but can also be read as a unique examination of the Dutch landscape, through its aesthetics and its organisation.
The book launch will be followed by a discussion between Tim Onderbeke, Véronique Boone (ULB - Architecture Faculty La Cambre-Horta) and other guests. They will discuss the perceptions and usages of landscape architecture.
MER / Studio Luc Derycke – Book launch of Labyrinth
Tim Onderbeke – LABYRINTH, short film
Véronique Boone / Tim Onderbeke – Debate
© Juliaan Lampens, Woning Van Wassenhove, Sint-Martens-Latem, (BE), 1969 – 1974