3 - 5 yearsSchools


Images réalisées pas les enfants lors du stage Graphistes en herbe<br>
Images réalisées pas les enfants lors du stage Graphistes en herbe

CIVA offers a five-sensory discovery of architecture and the animals that hide within it. This street walk around CIVA will be filled with stories, songs, feathers and colors. 

The route has been designed for children from 3 to 5 to make the city and architecture accessible to them through the five senses: discovery of materials, sounds, colors and even taste! 

A creative workshop at CIVA completes the discovery. The program includes making a little imaginary animal as a souvenir, using soft fabric, a little glue, buttons and the awakening of creativity! 

In the city, I see lots of funny animals: a lion on a facade, an Art Nouveau peacock, a fox frolicking near a pond. Sometimes, houses even have animal shapes, like this chimney that looks like a giraffe, or this motif that looks like a funny elephant to me!

CIVA, Rue de l'Ermitage 55, 1050 Brussels
1hour tour – 1hour creative workshop
From 3 years
Only tour : 90€ / Guided tour + workshop : 180€
Contact T. + 32 2 642 24 77
20 children maximum