Home Movies

We start turning. Are you done with the lighting? And with the colours? Did you just think of a new twist for the story? No problem, that's what editing is for!
We make a model of a house, and we film that house. From the inside, from the outside, from multiple angles. Then we go to work with that film, frame by frame. We play with contrasts, cut away certain elements, add colours.
Beau first started studying graphic design but decided to develop her creativity in another field. She obtained a secondary school teacher's diploma and a master's degree in art sciences and archaeology. Since many years, she works as a passionate guide and animator for several Brussels museums, including CIVA. For children who come here often, she is a familiar face.
Amber is an animator and a student in applied linguistics, English-Dutch. Out of her love for language, she helps us reflect on relationships between things