Prepare your visit
CIVA's Collections have rich and varied resources in the fields of architecture, urban planning, urban history, landscape and garden architecture and urban ecosystems. But where can you find out about what? In the library, you will find books, journals, copper engravings and documentation files. In the archives, you will find archival files with graphic documents, photographs, written records, objects and furniture.
You are looking for documents in the Library
On the Library page you will find all practical information to prepare your visit (opening hours, registration, contact, etc.) and you can access the various catalogues available online. If you are looking for specific documents, we advise you to contact the staff. That way, your visit and the requested documentation can be prepared.
You are looking for documents in the archives
On the Archives page you will find a list of the different archive funds and the necessary contact forms to prepare your visit. All archive consultations are by appointment. If you want to consult archives, please be sure to mention the architect or landscape architect and (the) specific project(s) that are part of your research. If you do not yet know which project you would like to consult, please contact the library in your search for additional information.