Chronograms of Architecture

Charles Jencks, Evolutionary tree to the year 2000, detail, 1969, with revisions and notes, c. 1999. Courtesy of the Jencks Foundation. <br> © Charles Jencks
Charles Jencks, Evolutionary tree to the year 2000, detail, 1969, with revisions and notes, c. 1999. Courtesy of the Jencks Foundation.
© Charles Jencks

Contemporary architecture emerges from a richly diverse and highly tuned architecture culture; a constructed discourse, with a constantly written and rewritten history. In an attempt to grasp and reckon with the historical moment that he was living in, Charles Jencks, the legendary father of postmodernism, developed Evolutionary Tree drawings. These drawings, which are somewhere between a diagram and a map, laid out six ideologies that allowed him to categorize all the “-isms” of present, past, and future architectural culture. Architects, buildings, social trends, and technical innovations were plotted on a timeline in relation to these streams. What resulted is the now-iconic image of a series of undulating blobs tracing architecture and society’s pulsations between different ideals though time.

The exhibition Chronograms of Architecture showcases Jencks’ key diagrams, spanning  from 1920 to 2000, along with eight newly commissioned diagrams by 8 teams of contemporary architects, researchers and graphic designers, reflecting on the historical moment that we live in today. While none can possibly present a total account, in their own way they each reveal critical and urgent ways of seeing, understanding, and working in the architectural culture of the present. These eight diagrams—perhaps eight streams of a map of now—provoke questions around the techno-optimism and techno-bureaucracy, feminist spatial practice and racial disparity, the ecological implications and productive conditions of architecture, and circular building strategies and the definition of the discipline.

Originally exhibited in London at the Architectural Association, the exhibition at CIVA in Brussels is its first step of a world tour: from Brussels to South Africa, then Asia, the US, and back to London, accumulating new chronograms of architecture along the way. For CIVA, two new chronograms have been commissioned: one by London-based architect Maria Fedorchenko, the other by Rotor-founder Lionel Devlieger.

The exhibition Chronograms of Architecture is a collaboration between CIVA, e-flux Architecture, and the Jencks Foundation.

Wednesday, May 14, 2025Sunday, September 28, 2025
13.05 - 19:00
Nick Axel, Silvia Franceschini, Nikolaus Hirsch, Lily Jencks, Eszter Steierhoffer
Pauline Clarot
e-flux Architecture, Jencks Foundation

Contributions by Pier Vittorio Aureli / Marson Korbi, Mario Carpo, Charles L. Davis II / Curry J. Hackett, Lionel Devlieger/ Michael Ghyoot / Adam Przywara / Karen Steukers / Arne Vande Capelle / Louise Vanhee, Maria Fedorchenko/ Yeliz Abdurahman, Francesca Hughes / Urtzi Grau, MOULD, and Bryony Roberts / Abriannah Aiken

The exhibition coincides with an international symposium (13 May, 2pm – 6pm) and is accompanied by a book (published by Spector Books).

Talks and workshops with Pier Vittorio Aureli, Daniel Barber, Mario Carpo, Sandrine Colard, Isabelle Doucet, Boris Hamzeian, Beatrice Lampariello, Parasite 2.0, Lorenzo Pezzani, Mark Wigley, Wouter Van Acker, Apolline Vranken, Benjamin Zurstrassen, and many more.