AgwA and Office KGDVS will unveil the design process of a project during a double lecture, followed by a conversation with the public. The recently published book “Raamwerk In Practice” will be presented on this occasion.
talk + book launch : free entrance - booking is required: info@architectureinpractice.eu

In Practice is an interuniversity research group of practicing architects engaging their practice(s) at the heart of their research. It explores the multiple ways in which architects can engage the professional practice in academic research and reciprocally, through the development of doctoral and postdoctoral research projects, conferences, publications and educational projects.
Prior to the book presentation and the evening lectures by AgwA and Office KGDVS, the "Practices in Research #02" seminar will be organized. Practices in Research provides a support for practices to interrogate the world, and for the world to interrogate the practices in return. The call for contributions for the seminar and the publication is currently running. The deadline for submission is August 15th.